Payroll is an essential part of every organization and managing time and attendance records for inclusion with payroll can be one of the most time-consuming and error-prone responsibilities, regardless of the size of the company. Resources allocated to routine payroll administration and manual activities is inefficient and more susceptible to error and, the resources can often be better used on other tasks. Yet even with this knowledge, some businesses are still reluctant to invest in an integrated payroll/ time and attendance management system that offers seamless workflow and automation. Furthermore, the use of integrated systems empowers business with the tools needed to reduce costs, drive efficiency, and remove the complexity of time-consuming manual processes.

With invoTIME – automated attendance software that integrates with SQL Payroll is the perfect way to minimize errors and ensure accurate reporting, as well as reducing time and cost. 

       1. invoTIME captured employees’ clocking with real-time data. 

2. We calculate employee’s Overtime hours, Late hours, Absents or unpaid leave automatically.

3. By end of the month, admin will just need to export SQL files with one click export.

4. Go to File -> Import Date -> Invotime

5. Import CSV files – Overtime, Unpaid Leave or Absent

DONE! That’s all you have to do every month. 

The seamless integration of SQL Payroll and time management software improves automation and workflow practices and, as a result, is extremely beneficial to your bottom line. With an integrated, automated system your staff can make a more strategic contribution to the business instead of spending valuable time on policing attendance and payments.

Why wait? Speak to our consultant at 0169893939(Sean) today to get a FREE demo account for invoTIME.

Happy clockings.
